Dispersive qubit readout using a two-oscillator transducer

Ondrej Cernotik

24 February 2015

Here we consider a qubit dispersively coupled to a transducer consisting of two coupled oscillators. The first oscillator interacts with the qubit and, at the same time, couples to a thermal bath, while the other oscillator is used to read out the state of the qubit. The system is described by the equation $$ \mathrm{d}\rho = -i[\chi\sigma_zp_1+\omega(a^\dagger a+b^\dagger b)+gq_1q_2,\rho]\mathrm{d}t +\gamma(\bar{n}+1)\mathcal{D}[a]\rho\mathrm{d}t+\gamma\bar{n}\mathcal{D}[a^\dagger]\rho\mathrm{d}t +\kappa\mathcal{D}[b]\rho\mathrm{d}t+\sqrt{\kappa}\mathcal{H}[ib]\rho\mathrm{d}W. $$ Here, the first (i.e., the thermal) oscillator is described by the annihilation operator $a$ and the canonical operators $q_1$, $p_1$, and the second (i.e., the readout) oscillator is described using the operators $b$, $q_2$, $p_2$. The qubit couples to the transducer at the rate $\chi$, the oscillators interact with strength $g$ and both have frequency $\omega$. The thermal oscillator has decay rate $\gamma$ and couples to a bath with $\bar{n}$ thermal excitations, the readout oscillator couples to vacuum bath at rate $\kappa$.

Since this system is too complex to be treated analytically, we follow the formal treatment of Ref. [1] to obtain an effective equation of motion for the qubit. To compare the effective equation with the exact model, we use the trace distance as in the other examples; in the simulations, the unconditional steady state is taken as the initial state of the transducer.


[1] O. Cernotik, D. Vasilyev, and K. Hammerer, arXiv:1503.07484.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

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Package: mkl
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In [2]:
from qutip import qeye, tensor, destroy, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz, steadystate, ket2dm, basis, smesolve
from numpy import linspace, array, dot, sqrt, diag
from scipy.linalg import inv, solve_lyapunov, solve_continuous_are
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, plot

In [3]:
def trace_dist(chi, omega, g, kappa, gamma, nbar, tmax, Nsteps, Nsub, NFock1, NFock2, Ntraj, rhoq0):
    #***** function trace_dist *****
    #Input parameters:
    #      chi: coupling between the qubit and the thermal oscillator,
    #      omega: frequency of the oscillators,
    #      g: coupling between the two oscillators,
    #      kappa: measurement (and decay) rate,
    #      gamma: decay rate of the thermal oscillator,
    #      nbar: thermal occupation,
    #      tmax: maximum time,
    #      Nsteps: number of time steps in the evolution,
    #      Nsub: number of substeps,
    #      NFock1: Fock space cutoff for the thermal oscillator,
    #      NFock2: Fock space cutoff for the measurement oscillator,
    #      Ntraj: number of generated trajectories,
    #      rhoq0: initial qubit state.
    #      t: time list,
    #      D: trace distance between the exact and approximate solutions.
    #***** System operators *****
    tlist = linspace(0, tmax, Nsteps)
    Id2 = qeye(2)
    IdN1 = qeye(NFock1)
    IdN2 = qeye(NFock2)
    a = tensor(Id2, destroy(NFock1), IdN2)
    xa = (a+a.dag())/sqrt(2.)
    pa = 1j*(a.dag()-a)/sqrt(2.)
    b = tensor(Id2, IdN1, destroy(NFock2))
    xb = (b+b.dag())/sqrt(2.)
    pb = 1j*(b.dag()-b)/sqrt(2.)
    sx = tensor(sigmax(), IdN1, IdN2)
    sy = tensor(sigmay(), IdN1, IdN2)
    sz = tensor(sigmaz(), IdN1, IdN2)
    #***** Transducer operators for determining the 
    #      transducer steady state *****
    a2 = tensor(destroy(NFock1), IdN2)
    xa2 = (a2+a2.dag())/sqrt(2.)
    b2 = tensor(IdN1, destroy(NFock2))
    xb2 = (b2+b2.dag())/sqrt(2.)
    #***** Full model *****
    H_full = chi*sz*pa+omega*(a.dag()*a+b.dag()*b)+g*xa*xb
    c_op_full = [sqrt(gamma*(nbar+1))*a, sqrt(gamma*nbar)*a.dag()]
    sc_op_full = [1j*sqrt(kappa)*b]
    e_op_full = [sx, sy, sz]
    rhoT = steadystate(omega*(a2.dag()*a2+b2.dag()*b2)+g*xa2*xb2,
                       [sqrt(gamma*(nbar+1))*a2, sqrt(gamma*nbar)*a2.dag(), sqrt(kappa)*b2]) # determining the steady state
    rho0 = tensor(rhoq0, rhoT)
    #***** Gaussian adiabatic elimination *****
    sigma = array([[0,1,0,0], [-1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,-1,0]])
    A = array([[-gamma/2., omega, 0., 0.], [-omega, -gamma/2., -g/2., 0.],
               [0., 0., -kappa/2., omega], [-g/2., 0., -omega, -kappa/2.]])
    N = diag([gamma*(nbar+0.5), gamma*(nbar+0.5), kappa/2., kappa/2.])
    c = sqrt(kappa/2.)*array([[0., 0., 0.,-1.]]).transpose()
    m = sqrt(kappa/2.)*array([[0., 0., 1., 0.]]).transpose() # definitions following Ref. [1]
    covU = solve_lyapunov(A, -2*N)
    covC = solve_continuous_are((A+2*dot(dot(sigma, m), c.transpose())).transpose(), c,
                                2*(N-dot(dot(sigma, m), dot(m.transpose(), sigma.transpose()))), array([[2]]))
                                # unconditional and conditional covariance matrices
    Q = A-2*dot(dot(covC, c)-dot(sigma, m), c.transpose())
    invA = inv(A)
    invQ = inv(Q)
    s = array([[0., chi*sigmaz(), 0., 0.]]).transpose() # vector of the system operators in the interaction
    Lambda = dot(covC-1j*sigma, dot(invQ.transpose(), c))-dot(invA, dot(covC, c)-dot(sigma, m))
    M = dot(invA, covU+1j*sigma)-dot(covU-1j*sigma.transpose(), invA.transpose())
    Sigma = -0.5*(dot(invA, covU-1j*sigma)+dot(covU+1j*sigma.transpose(), invA.transpose()))
    H_gae = 0.25*1j*sum(sum(dot(s.transpose(), dot(M, s))))
    c_op_gae = [chi*sqrt(Sigma[1,1]-dot(Lambda, Lambda.conjugate().transpose())[1,1])*sigmaz()]
    sc_op_gae = [1j*sum(sum(dot(Lambda.transpose(), s)))]
    e_op_gae = [sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz()] # Hamiltonian, collapse and measurement operators, evolution operators
    #***** Quantum trajectories *****
    D = 0
    for i in xrange(0, Ntraj):
        print i
        sol_full = smesolve(H_full, rho0, tlist, c_op_full, sc_op_full, e_op_full, nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne',
                            solver='fast-milstein', store_measurement=True)
        sol_gae = smesolve(H_gae, rhoq0, tlist, c_op_gae, sc_op_gae, e_op_gae, nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne',
                           solver='fast-milstein', noise=sol_full.noise)
        s1x = sol_full.expect[0]
        s1y = sol_full.expect[1]
        s1z = sol_full.expect[2]
        s2x = sol_gae.expect[0]
        s2y = sol_gae.expect[1]
        s2z = sol_gae.expect[2]
        D = D+sqrt((s1x-s2x)**2+(s1y-s2y)**2+(s1z-s2z)**2)
    D = D/Ntraj
    return tlist, D

Calculating average trace distance -- ensemble averaging

In [4]:
chi = 0.2
omega = 5.
g = 0.5
kappa = 1.
gamma = 0.1
nbar = 0.5
tmax = 10.
Nsteps = 500
Nsub = 250
NFock1 = 10
NFock2 = 8
Ntraj = 10

t, D = trace_dist(chi, omega, g, kappa, gamma, nbar, tmax, Nsteps, Nsub, NFock1, NFock2, Ntraj, ket2dm((basis(2,0)+basis(2,1)).unit()))

Total run time: 263.67s
Total run time:   5.15s
Total run time: 236.70s
Total run time:   5.16s
Total run time: 236.19s
Total run time:   4.98s
Total run time: 226.77s
Total run time:   4.95s
Total run time: 226.57s
Total run time:   4.96s
Total run time: 226.61s
Total run time:   4.95s
Total run time: 225.83s
Total run time:   5.00s
Total run time: 225.61s
Total run time:   4.96s
Total run time: 224.77s
Total run time:   4.94s
Total run time: 224.41s
Total run time:   4.93s

In [5]:
fig, axes = subplots(figsize=(12,8))

axes.plot(t, D)
axes.set_ylabel('Trace distance')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x109fd8cd0>

Calculating average trace distance -- time averaging

In [6]:
D_time = D.sum()/Nsteps
print D_time
